• Stay Connected :

Calendar Options

  • Your unique URL
  • Your logo
  • Your Homepage photos
  • Your Company message
CalendarLink.biz provides you with the opportunity to create your own calendar website. By completing a few simple steps, you will create your own website where customers can purchase your calendar collections, providing you with a significant revenue stream.

Your customers will choose from your personal calendar collections and have the option to add their local graphed tides. Your logo will appear on each calendar page. Calendar pricing is determined by you.
Your customers will have the opportunity to choose from up to 6 calendars you have pre-designed.

How it works:
  • Create a calendar home page with your photos and text to promote your business/photography and the calendars you've designed.
  • Upload your monthly images, captions, company name and/or logo and daily text to customize your calendar(s).
  • Post the link to your existing website and promote sales.
Benefits to your business:
  • Small, initial investment of your time to upload text and photos (we can assist)
  • No start-up cost or holding inventory
  • We process, print and ship calendars on demand
  • Approximately 50% of the sales price is deposited into your Pay Pal Account

Please call 760-753-1747 with any questions. Start profiting with calendar sales by "becoming a partner" now!